Distant Clouds

ongoing project / process

This project is the result of an abrupt life interruption caused by the pandemic in 2020.
I was working on the project “A guide for the observation of the skies” in the Banff Centre, Canada, when I had to suddenly return to Argentina and lock down for a month in a small friend’s apartment in Buenos Aires.

As facing uncertainty and isolation I started to use a sketchbook and graphite to draw the skies that could watch from the window.

As the lockdown continued I asked friends from different places to send me photos of the visible skies for them and I took screen captures on social media from people posting sky views.

I took this process as an intimate process of connecting to people in the distance where a shared pattern of isolation and some kind of temporarily relief to the mind by observing the distant skies and trying to capture them as they fade ephemerally and impermanent.